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Template text for requesting sponshorship.

Hi (Insert potential donor/sponsor name here)


As some of you know,  during the warmer months, I like to ride my Scooter as much as I can! I’m also a member of Upstate New York’s largest scooter organization, the A-Town Rumblers. That’s a group that hosts rides, holds events, and supports the Scooter community. Our biggest event of the year is The A-Town Rumble, a three day scooter rally in the Capital District of New York that attracts riders from across the northeast


The A-Town Rumble, from its inception in 2010, has been a fundraiser with a mission to cure Type 1 diabetes. All of the money raised goes to JDRF, the leader in diabetes research. We have raised over $25,000 since that first Rumble. Our goal for this year is to raise $10,000. A tall order, but well worth the effort in combating this difficult disease. I’m hoping that you might be willing to sponsor a rider (me!) with a donation that will help me raise $500 towards our $10K goal.


All donations are tax deductible and every dollar raised goes directly to JDRF. There are several sponsorship levels as detailed here:


Making a donation is easy:


A)    Make a check out to JDRF and hand it to me the next time you see me:) or…


B)    Mail the check to Cindy Price, C/O JDRF, 2 N Lyons Ave, Menands, NY 12204 or…


C)    Donate using a Credit card by going to our website:


Please add “Sponsoring (insert rider's name here)” to the memo section of the check.


If Paying by Card, Please Use your name as Ticket Buyer and my name as Ticket Sponsor. It’s that easy:)


Type 1 Diabetes is a terrible disease that all too often afflicts children. There is no cure (yet!), however there is some promising, but very expensive, research under way, that could realistically turn Type 1 into Type none. Please help if you can.


Thank you,


(your name and contact info. here)

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